Publications and Webinars
- Brink, M., Vourlas, R., Tran, L.U., & Halversen, C. (2012, Jul. – Aug.) Investing in Professional Learning: The Challenges and Values. Legacy, pp. 26-29
- Tran, L.U., Werner-Avidon, M., & Newton, L. (2013). Successful Professional Learning: What is it and How Do We Get There? Journal of Museum Education, 38(3), pp. 333-348.
- Tran, L.U., Gupta, P., & Bader, D. (2019). Redefining Professional Learning for Museum Education, Journal of Museum Education, 44:2, 135-146, DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2019.1586192
- Werner-Avidon, M., & Newton, L. (2014). Reflecting on Practice Summative Evaluation Report. Final report submitted to the Lawrence Hall of Science.
- Tran, L.U., Halversen, C., & Werner-Avidon, M. (2013, Jul. – Aug.). Professional Learning Through Reflecting on Practice. Dimensions, pp. 27-33.
- Tran, L.U., Werner-Avidon, M., & Newton, L. (2013). Successful Professional Learning: What is it and How Do We Get There? Journal of Museum Education, 38(3), pp. 333-348.
- Brink, M., Vourlas, R., Tran, L.U., & Halversen, C. (2012, Jul. – Aug.) Investing in Professional Learning: The Challenges and Values. Legacy, pp. 26-29.
Content Clinic Mini-Series – Training and Supporting Seasonal and Part-time Staff
May 22nd – Adopting the sessions of each module: Slides and recording
May 29th – Five foundational ideas on learning: Slides and recording
June 5th – Indicators of success for seasonal staff and how to articulate them to staff: Slides
Reflecting on Practice: Stories from the Community. Presented in partnership with the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA). February 24th, 2017.
Reflecting on Practice: Stories from the Community. Presented in partnership with the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC). March 8th, 2017.
Reflecting on Practice: Understanding the neuroscience of how people learn and ways to use that knowledge for better interpretation. Presented in partnership with the National Association for Interpretation (NAI). May 9th, 2017.